Fans Of Computer Science (FOCS) is a group intending to provide support to students of UM-SJTU JI interested in Computer Science or Computer Engineering.
Join Us
This homepage only provides minimalistic information on FOCS. To benefit from all our resources and participate in our activities, join us on Canvas.
If you want to become a coordinator, please contact Manuel (details available on Canvas).
We expect to hold various events all along the year. For more details on their content, schedule, and location, please enroll on Canvas.
- Linux installation parties;
- Debugging Competitions;
- Basic CSE course advising;
- Seminars:
- Introduction on linux distributions and their basic usage;
- Bash scripting;
- Git;
- Web development;
- LaTeX:
- Introduction to LaTeX;
- Slides and posters;
- LaTeX programming;
- Tikz and pgf drawing;
Feel free to propose some more topics.
At the moment FOCS members develop three main projects.
- JOJ Online Judge:
- - Summary: online judge used in various JI courses, e.g. VG101, VE280, VE281, VE482;
- - Topics: web development, distributed system;
- - Languages: python, javascript;
- Gomoku AI Competition Platform:
- - Summary: online platform for the Gomoku AI Competition;
- - Topics: web development, distributed system, algorithms;
- - Languages: python, javascript;
- Center for Global Applied Ethics:
- - Summary: the website used in VG496, and more generally in a research project on ethics;
- - Topics: web development, data analysis and visualization, NLP;
- - Languages: python, PHP, javascript;
If you want to contribute to an existing project or propose a new one, please contact Manuel (details available on Canvas).